Admission to School
Parents are welcome to visit the school at a mutually convenient time. An appointment may be made by writing to the Headteacher or by telephoning the school. The Headteacher or Deputy will be pleased to meet parents to answer any questions and to show parents around the school.
The number of children admitted to Holy Trinity in each year group is 30. If there are more applications than places available, after admitting pupils with a statement of special educational needs naming the school, the Governing Body will allocate places using the following criteria which are listed in order of priority.
- Children in public care (looked after children) from a faith background
- Children in public care (looked after children)
- Children who have a sibling currently attending the school and who will still be there at the start of the new academic year.
- Children whose parents/guardians are members of the Church of England and attend Holy Trinity Church at least once a month. A Holy Trinity CE Primary School Clergy Reference Form should be submitted with the application, completed by a member of the Clergy.
- Children whose parents/guardians are members of a Church which is part of Churches Together in England and Wales and who attend Church at least once of month. A Holy Trinity CE Primary School Clergy Reference Form should be submitted with the application, completed by a member of the Clergy.
- Children with a documented social, medical or pastoral need who would benefit from a place in the school. Professional supporting evidence from a doctor, social worker, member of the clergy or psychologist will be necessary if admission under this criterion is to be considered.
- Proximity of home to school (Shortest walking distance from the home front door to the main entrance of the school).
Note: sibling includes step, half, foster and adopted siblings living at the same address.
Parent is defined as the person with parental responsibility.