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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

To be the best you can be:for God, for others and for ourselves

Worship Leaders

Holy Trinity Worship Leaders are a group of Key Stage 2 children who are committed to upholding our Christian values, and are ambassadors of collective worship in school. They meet weekly with the RE Leader to plan collective worships and whole school celebration events, such as our Harvest, Christmas and Easter services, as well as give feedback on collective worship and prayer spaces. They attend the annual LDST Ethos Day and participate in the National Young Leader Award programme. These children reflect on our Christian values, explore deeper into the biblical roots and then deliver a collective worship to the school on that particular value using props, drama, storytelling, music and dance and interactive games. They are responsible for collating the Picture News at Home sheets and Home School Value activities. Worship Leaders learn more about worship and prayer with Father Tom and actively look out for our Christian values in action around school. They pray for children who have written prayers in the class prayer request books and contribute to our whole school personal development ‘Special Days’ scrapbook. These responsibilities help to make children feel engaged and involved in collective worship and further develop their spiritual journey.

Hello I'm Julia and I'm in Year 3. Gymnastics is my favourite thing to do! I joined the worship leaders because I like the reflection times at our prayer spaces. I also like to meet new people. 

I'm called Cosmin and my class is Year 3. I like playing football, tennis and maths games. I wanted to be a worship leader because I like to be a respectful person and want to lead worship with the other children.

Hello I'm Nehal and I'm in Year 4. I love doing art and playing with my sister. I'm excited to be a worship leader because I like acting out Bible stories and want to represent our Christian Values.

Hi my name is Bartu and I am in Year 4. I love football because it is really fun. I wanted to be a worship leader because I am trustworthy, show good team work and want to perform in the hall. I like learning about new things.

Hi I'm August and I'm in Year 5. I like playing games, drawing and maths lessons! I think worship leaders are really important and I want to represent our school and show the Christian values.

Hey, my name is Dakota and I'm in Year 5. I'm really good at singing. I love jigsaws and quizzes. It's really fun to be a worship leader. I enjoyed being in school council last year and I think I can make a positive difference to collective worship because I know how to be a good ambassador for school.

I'm called Jamie R and I'm in Year 6. I really like playing racing games with my mum. I wanted to be a worship leader because I have lots of christian song ideas. I enjoy going to holy trinity children's church and encouraging more people to go. I also have autism, which means my brain works differently.

Hi I'm Evelina in Year 6. My hobby is drawing. I really like lighting the candles and doing collective worship activities because it's so peaceful. I applied to be a worship leader because I would like to improve our collective worships and make them better.​
