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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

To be the best you can be:for God, for others and for ourselves

School Dinners & Menu

NEW School Menu (2019-2020) can be found below. 

School Dinner Money Payment, Arrangements and Arrears

PLEASE NOTE from September 2021-


  • School dinners to be paid for in advance please, weekly on a Monday. Alternatively, you may pay for any multiples of weeks in advance – e.g. monthly, half termly or termly. The price remains at £2.40 per meal or £12.00 per week - Please bring exact cash wherever possible.
  • Any credits at the end of the week will be carried forward to the next week unless change is requested). Credit will also be carried forward if your child is absent for any reason.
  • There may be times when payment may be forgotten or that an ‘emergency’ meal may be required on a one-off occasion so a short reminder will be sent out in the first instance. We will however only support 5 outstanding meal payments at most per child. If payment is not received on the next school day you will be contacted and asked to provide a packed lunch until the amount outstanding is settled in full. This is in line with many primary schools and will avoid unmanageable arrears accumulating.
  • If we do not receive payment for your child's meals on Monday we will send you a payment reminder via text message with the amount presuming that your child will have meals for the rest of the week.
  • As a parent it is your responsibility to provide your child with a midday meal (unless entitled to free school meals). If you do not wish to pay for a school dinner, then there is the option of sending your child with a packed lunch.


If you think you may be entitled to receive free school meals please contact the School Office.


Thank you to those families who pay regularly and promptly, it is very much appreciated.




School Meal Arrangements


At lunchtime the children have the option of taking a school meal, bringing a packed lunch from home or going home. All children eat in our dining room.                       

Every infant child is currently entitled to a free school meal. All our meals are prepared and cooked in our newly refurbished kitchen and the menu, which operates on a three week rotation, includes a main meal, vegetarian options, sandwiches, paninis, salads and baked potatoes with various fillings. The children are able to choose (with a little help) a healthy meal each day. We also cater for religious dietary requirements, if needed.


When children move into the Junior Department (Year 3), dinner money, preferably the correct amount, should be brought on a Monday, in a named envelope and given to the class teacher or left at the school office. Prompt payment is appreciated. We will always give credits for any meals that are missed due to absence, sending arrears notes for late or missed payments.


Important – Free School Meals

If you are on a low income your child may be entitled to Free School Meals. Forms are available from the office and we can help you fill them in. Even if you don’t want a school dinner it is important to claim your entitlement because the school receives extra money called the Pupil Premium each year towards your child’s education! So please claim if you can!
