We try to offer lots of clubs outside of lessons. These take place at lunchtime, after school and sometimes before school.
Some examples are listed below:
All our clubs are free of charge. We do use a wide variety of external coaches to lead our clubs.
All of our clubs are linked to the Children's University. This accredits learning outside the classroom and pupils need to attend 30 hours of activities by the end of Y2 and 100 hours of activities to graduate at the end of Y6. Pupils can also have a CU Passport so that they can gain credit for clubs outside school. There are an increasing number of accredited clubs in our local area and these can be found on the CU website. Children can collect many credits in this way, helping them to graduate at the end of Y2 and Y6.
All children automatically take part in this scheme. Passports have to be purchased from the school office.
The timetable below outlines the clubs that are timetabled for the Spring Term, together with the member of staff responsible for the club. Some clubs are run by external companies and these are indicated but a member of staff is always present to supervise and see children off the premises. Children receive invitations for most clubs and parents are asked to respond (give permission) to invitations to clubs that are running outside the normal school day. It is intended that all children will attend a club/s at some point during the year.