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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

To be the best you can be:for God, for others and for ourselves

Year 2




Meet the Team:

Class Teacher: Mrs Morrell

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Lonsdale


We would like to welcome you to Year 2!

We hope that this page will give you all the information you need as we share the year together. Please remember to regularly check Class Dojo too as this is where we will post regular reminders and updates. If you have any questions, concerns or would like to share any positive news about your child, please don't hesitate to contact us. 

Our Discovery Curriculum


Through collaboration with our school community we have developed our Discovery Curriculum.  Discovery is the process of finding information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time. We combine high standards with a broad, balanced, rich curriculum, rooted in the needs of our diverse, local community. We believe everyone has limitless potential and that all of our children can achieve. We challenge our children and ourselves to be the best we can be in a safe, and purposeful environment, while learning together through faith, fun and friendship. Our Christian vision and values underpin all of our actions to help us prepare our children for the world they are growing up in: they are our future.

The National Curriculum forms the foundations of our curriculum. All staff strive to achieve the highest standards from learners, in order for them to be exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education and their future careers.  Our curriculum is cohesive and progressive, with knowledge and skills that are built upon year-on-year but is also flexible to ensure that it remains relevant and stimulating and reflects the context of Holy Trinity within the wider world.  Through this curriculum, staff inspire children to develop a love of learning.

We are committed to working in partnership with parents and we work hard with our families to knit the school into the fabric of our community. We are excited to have made our pledge to become a School of Sanctuary. This epitomises our commitment to ensure Holy Trinity is welcoming and an inclusive place for all. This is supported by the range of extended curriculum activities we provide for our children as well as joint activities with the church. We are a Children’s University and believe whole-heartedly in the extended curriculum to enrich learning and enjoyment.

At Holy Trinity learning is focused on individuals’ needs and abilities. We focus our teaching on assessment for learning, whereby we continually build a picture of our children’s development as learners, and share this with them, so we are able to design a purposeful curriculum that meets their needs. Staff provide a tailored approach to support children with specific needs, whether that is for children who have English as an Additional Language, any barriers to their learning and those who are gifted and talented.

As a school we know that Reading is the Passport to the World. We recognise that fluency in reading is the key to unlocking all areas of learning and a key indicator for future success in further education, higher education and employment. Fostering a love of reading is paramount to us at Holy Trinity to enable all ‘To be the best we can be: for God, for others and for ourselves’.


PE will take place on Wednesdays. Children should come into school in their PE kit and earrings must be removed on this day. 


Click below to see our PE kit expectations:





At Holy Trinity we believe home school partnerships are vital for supporting children in their education.  We have spent time reviewing homework in school, to ensure children retain key knowledge and understanding from their lessons. This page outlines the expectations for homework this academic year.

To support your child with their learning, we ask you to focus on 3 key areas:
1. Reading
2. Spelling
3. Times tables


Spellings - the half termly list will be given out as a paper copy to take home, shared on class dojo and here on the Y2 class page. See below for weekly spelling list. 

The spelling lists are dated with the day the spellings are given to the children to learn. This will be on a Friday. The children will be tested on the spellings in the list on the following Friday


Times Tables- the children are expected to learn a particular times table each week. The times table to be learnt will be posted on class dojo on a Friday. The children will be tested on the times table on the following Friday. 


Readingthe children will bring home a new RWI book after it has been read in school three times. They will also bring home a previously read RWI book or a book with sounds that they have already learnt and a library book. Your child will be given a folder to keep these books in - please ensure that your child brings the folder to school every day. 

* Please read with your child at least three times a week and fill in their reading record. If they have read three times at home, the children will earn a raffle ticket which will be entered into our half termly prize draw. 

* Try to encourage your child to read with fluency, steady pace and expression.

* Ask them:

What is happening?

What is going to happen next?

*Talk about the book with them:

What did you like/not like? Why?
Has that ever happened to you?

*Talk about any 'Wow!' words and check the meaning of any unfamiliar words. 


Encourage your child to read lots of different types of books and texts (newspapers, comics, football magazines, cookery books etc) 




Year 2 Curriculum Map 

Click on the link below to see what we will be learning this year

Y2 curriculum map 2023- 24

Knowledge Organisers 

Click on each subject below to see the knowledge organisers.

Knowledge organisers give a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that pupils need about a unit of work or a curriculum subject.
