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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

To be the best you can be:for God, for others and for ourselves


On behalf of us all here at Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, I would like to warmly welcome you to our website. 


We are a Christian school with very close links to our church, which is situated right next door.  We are proud to have two Liverpool Diocese Church School Awards for the links we have between church and school and in our last church school inspection we were judged to be an “Outstanding Church School”. Our school motto ‘To be the best we can be: for God, for others and for ourselves’ encapsulates all that we strive to be. Our Christian values of Love, Hope, Forgiveness, Trust, Peace, Reverence and Justice, underpin our whole ethos, curriculum and school life. We are proud to be part of the Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust, a multi-academy trust, which includes a number of Church of England schools from across the Liverpool Diocese.


Our popular school serves a diverse and vibrant local community, in the heart of Southport town centre. We are committed to providing our children with exciting, creative, spiritual and meaningful learning experiences, which build their enthusiasm for learning and help them to grow into happy, secure, caring and responsible citizens. We believe strongly that our school has a wider role to play beyond the school day. We are proud to be a Children’s University and we organise a wide range of children and family clubs at lunchtime and after school.


Relationships between children, staff, governors and our families are key in promoting a valuable education and we pride ourselves on how closely we all work together. We have very strong links with parents, which are based on mutual trust and respect and our desire to do our best for the pupils within our care.


Thank you for visiting our website and if you would like to know more about us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The best way for you to see how wonderful we are is to come and visit. I will happily show you around and introduce you to the Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School family!


Linda Thompson 



