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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

To be the best you can be:for God, for others and for ourselves



We believe that high quality teaching is based on a thorough understanding of a child’s learning so that next steps can be planned accurately. Regular reviews of children’s progress also helps us pick up any problems a child may be having in a particular area and enables us to target extra support and teaching effectively. At Holy Trinity there are two ways in which we do this.

  1. Ongoing day to day observations. During lessons teachers and teaching assistants are continuously on the look out for evidence that children understand the knowledge and skills being taught. This may be through observations or questioning and, especially as children get older, through written work and marking. Teachers adapt lessons carefully to meet the needs of the children in the class and teaching assistants’ work is targeted to different groups of children, either in the classroom or in smaller teaching spaces, to make sure they are making as much progress as they can.
  2. ‘Summative’ assessments. Three times a year children’s attainment is gathered in and recorded on a pupil tracking system. For children in the Early Years children’s progress is recorded using the Foundation Stage Profile areas of learning. In Key Stage 1 every child is assessed formally by their teacher in every curriculum subject each term. Judgments are based on teacher assessments, sometimes supported by tests. For older children there are termly standardised tests to help inform teacher judgement and prepare the children for SATs at the end of Year 6.  Using the tracking system achievement is analysed to make sure children are all making the progress they should. Findings are discussed between staff three times a year and any changes in teaching or support are identified. These ‘summative’ assessments are used in reports to parents.
  3. At the end of Year 2 children’s attainment is assessed by the class teacher supported by national tests and recorded nationally. This helps the school set targets for achievement for the Juniors. In May of Year 6 children take the ‘Key Stage 2 SATs’ tests in English and Maths. These are marked externally and results are passed on to each child’s High School.


Reporting To Parents

It is very important that parents are kept well informed of the progress their child is making so that school and home can work together to make sure children do as well as they can. At Holy Trinity parents receive two reports a year, one in February that covers English and Maths, and one in July that reports on the full range of subjects. Reports always include targets for children and ways in which parents can help at home. The February report is used as the basis of discussion for the mid-year parent’s evenings.


Parents Evenings

Our aim is to give parents as much information as possible about their child’s progress and allow opportunities for discussion. At the beginning of the year every class has a ‘Meet The Teacher’ meeting where parents find out about routines and arrangements in the new class and can meet the staff involved with their child. This is also an opportunity for parents to discuss any important information or circumstances that may have an effect on school.

In October there is a Parent’s Evening with individual appointments to discuss how each child is settling in and what targets there are for the next few months. In February a second Parents’ Evening focuses on the child’s mid year report and how they are making progress. New targets for the rest of the year are also discussed.

At the end of the year parents are offered an opportunity to discuss end of year reports should they

wish to.