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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

To be the best you can be:for God, for others and for ourselves

Behaviour, Discipline & Rewards

Behaviour and Discipline


We are proud of our children’s achievements and behaviour, as well as their moral and social development set in the context of our Christian values.

We recognise that in order to develop and maintain high standards of behaviour, as detailed below, there must be consistent systems of rewards and sanctions implemented fairly and consistently across the school and supported by parents at home.

  • All children have a right to learn in a safe, happy environment. By ensuring a high standard of behaviour, we will create this positive learning environment.
  • Our Behaviour Policy (Living Well Together) will ensure a consistent approach to developing and maintaining a high standard of behaviour.
  • It will provide a framework of reference for the whole school community.
  • It will ensure that the school community has a shared vision and expectation of good behaviour.


Our whole school Living Well Together Policy has been developed after consultation with parents, children, governors and staff. It is reviewed every year and we appreciate the views of parents given in our annual parent survey. The system works well for the vast majority of children who are able to make positive choices in their dealings with others.


We know children respond well to praise so we reward good behaviour. Our children know what behaviour is unacceptable and that there are sanctions for this.


We aim for all pupils to have a deep understanding that forgiveness and reconciliation is a worthy way of living and that our school is a place where pupils are given and take second chances.




  Each child earns dojos.  All members of staff can award these to the children throughout the school day.

The reward system is as follows for individual children:


  • In Key Stage One, children can earn three dojos during a day (one for the morning session, one for lunchtime and one for the afternoon session) for keeping our ‘Golden Promises’.
  • In Key Stage Two, children are responsible for deciding whether they have earned three dojos during a day (one for the morning session, one for lunchtime and one for the afternoon session) for keeping our ‘Golden Promises’.  This is to encourage them to reflect on their behaviour.
  • In addition, children can be awarded additional dojos during the day to reinforce excellent behaviour or effort or for an exceptional piece of work by any adult in school.
  • Once a dojo has been awarded it cannot be deducted. However, a child may not earn a dojo. 


Class Rewards


Alongside these rewards all classes have their own reward systems which may include table points, praise pads, stickers or certificates.


Whole school rewards


  • Pupil of the Week – each week every class will select two children and these children will be presented with a certificate and choose from the prize box.


  • Golden Pupil of the Week- each week one child is awarded a golden award for doing well in their learning. They receive a gold award certificate.


The names of the recipients are published on the school newsletter and announced in the weekly Praise Worship. In the warmer months of the year, this is held in Church and parents are invited to join the school in this worship.

Lunchtime Supervisors and Kitchen Staff also have rewards for the children including stickers and certificates to take home


