At Holy Trinity we aim to develop a love of books, as well as the ability to use books for a wide range of purposes. We want to ensure that all our children are given a literature rich environment. Our aim is to give children access to broad and varied texts to encourage them to read for pleasure. Parents are encouraged to support their child’s reading development by sharing reading time on a daily basis. Guided Reading occurs daily outside the Literacy session.
Class libraries are used to widen the children’s reading repertoire. All pupils are encouraged to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction in order to develop their knowledge of themselves and the world in which they live, to establish an appreciation and love of reading, and to gain knowledge across the curriculum. Our school reading spine is currently under review.
At Holy Trinity we carefully plan a structured and systematic approach to Phonics teaching to ensure that all children are given opportunities to develop their full potential. We use RWI to plan a discrete phonics lesson in Reception, Key Stage 1 and this is used for intervention groups as appropriate in Key Stage 2. We encourage children to use their phonics knowledge in all areas of the curriculum. The RWI programme ensures clear progression that children who need extra support are identified quickly.