Kids Club Southport
Holy Trinity School currently has Out of School Care provided by a company called Kids Club Southport. This is a private company that runs on-site and offers Breakfast Club, After School Club and Half Term Holiday Clubs.
The owner of this club is called Sue Moir and is contactable on 07951 540 919 if you have any questions. All payments and bookings should be made via the club directly and not through the school office.
Christmas Holiday Fund with HAF fund
Free places will be available for the holiday club we are running on 22nd and 23rd December and 2nd and 3rd Jan 23. We will be having a visit from Santa on one of the December days and playing lots of Xmas party games, as well as having an Xmas buffet. These free places are available to children who are on ‘benefits-related’ free school meals. This is a departure from the previous guidance which did not make this specification. Funding has now been secured and the club will go online by the end of November. If your child qualifies for a free place, please let Sue know so that the booking can be made on the ‘funded’ setting where you will not be charged.
Please see information below from the Club Owner, Sue Moir:
Welcome to Kids Club Southport at Holy Trinity C of E Primary School!
You can contact Sue Moir at any time on 07951 540919 to enquire about places, information etc.
(Sue is not always on-site so please contact the Club Mobile if you need to contact them directly when your child is attending the club - e.g. pick-up time changes etc.)
The club mobile number is 07549 208889 (for use in club opening hours only.)
If you are interested in bringing your child along to the club and need help with the registration process, please contact Sue (07951 540919) or you can register independently on Magic Booking by entering into your browser:
Create an account and add your child’s details, after which you are ready to book sessions.
I am delighted to be operating a service for ‘wrap-around’ care and holiday clubs at Holy Trinity. Even though I know that we are all going through tough times at present, new children have been joining Kids Club since we have started and we would love to see even more of you attending our club and enjoying what we have to offer.
Session Times and Prices
Holiday Club starts at 7.30am and Prices are as follows:
‘Magic Booking’ online booking system
Once your child is registered on our online booking system, all bookings can be made and paid for online. Invoices will not be issued routinely but can be accessed via the Magic Booking site should you need them. Card payments can be made on Magic Booking. Payments can also be made by BACS, cash and cheques. Bank details are available on request from Sue.
How to register
To access the ‘Create an Account/Login’ page:
Please type into your browser:
Create a new account.
Validate the account by clicking the link on your email.
Log back in and choose ‘children’ and then ‘add child’
Finally, enter your child’s details and you are then set up to start booking sessions
Parent Handbook
Once your child is registered you will receive a copy of the club’s handbook for parents via email. This sets out all the relevant information you need for your child to attend the club.
The Kids Club Southport team at Holy Trinity C of E Primary School
The staff currently working permanently at Holy Trinity are: Monta Lubane and Michelle Hardman.
Depending on staff availability or sickness some staff may be covered by other additional staff.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Kids Club Southport takes its responsibility to safeguard the children in its care very seriously. All staff have safeguarding training. The Designated Safeguard Lead for the club is Susan Moir and the Deputy Safeguard Lead is Monta Lubane. Any concerns regarding safeguarding/child protection within the club should be directed to Sue in the first instance and to Monta if Sue is not on the premises.
Access to and from the club
Due to strict safeguarding procedures, the gates will remain locked at all times when children are playing in the outdoor area. A bell has been installed in the school Reception area so you can let us know you have arrived. When collecting your child in the evening please give us a few minutes to make sure the children have all their belongings before bringing them up to Reception. The club mobile number is displayed in Reception should you need to talk to a member of staff
Ofsted Inspection
During the Easter Holiday Club we were inspected by Ofsted at the Linaker setting. The inspector spent around 6 hours with us on 6th April this year and her report is now published and is available to read at the top of this page.
What can I do in Kids Club Southport?
Additional activities are often offered to children depending on season and current events e.g. Christmas, Easter etc. - more information on this can be obtained from Sue Moir.
On a Day-To-Day basis the following activities are usually available:
Art activities (Drawing, Crafts etc.), Board Games/Puzzles, Soft Toys, Dolls, Console games (Children are only permitted short time slots for consoles), and Outside play on the school yard (weather permitting).
Homework Time
We are happy to provide a table in a quiet place for your child to complete homework. We may not be able to sit and help your child throughout, but staff will do their best to assist if there are any problems. Please let Sue or Monta know if you would like us to listen to your child read or prompt your child to do homework during club time. Thanks
Kids Club Southport supports inclusion and welcomes children with special educational needs. Every effort will be made to ensure that your child receives a fulfilling and positive experience whilst attending the club. Please see Sue prior to your child attending to discuss your child’s individual needs so this can be logged and kept confidentially in the club for staff to refer to. We will need to know if your child requires a support worker when he/she is in school.
Policies & Procedures
All our policies and procedures, including those relating to SEN, safeguarding and Health and Safety, can be made available to you on request. Please contact Sue.
Many thanks
Hope to see you soon
Sue Moir