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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

To be the best you can be:for God, for others and for ourselves

Personal Development

At Holy Trinity, we recognise the importance of personal development and children having their own identity and aspirations for the future. As well as academic development, our children are given a wide range of opportunities and rich experiences, through the curriculum and beyond. We provide children with opportunities to discover what their talents and interests are, and we have a strong take up by pupils in participating in the wide ranging opportunities we offer.


Personal Development is at the heart of our school learning journey.  It encourages promotes, adopts and embeds a range of skills that allow children to be life-long learners and be the best that they can be.


As part of a whole-school approach, Personal Development education develops the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. We promote effective relationships between all members of the school community. Personal Development education contributes to children building their personal identities, confidence and self-esteem and understand what influences their decisions. Developing self-understanding, empathy and the ability to work with others helps our pupils to enjoy healthy and productive relationships in all aspects of their lives.
