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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

To be the best you can be:for God, for others and for ourselves

Understanding Christianity

The Understanding Christianity materials are intended to support teachers in teaching about Christianity in Religious Education. Its themes offer:


  • A theological and conceptual basis, taking seriously Christian accounts of the ‘big story’ of salvation and the relationship of the reader/pupil to these texts
  • A clear outline of core knowledge ‘building blocks’ in relation to Christianity, to enable teachers to see what pupils should know, understand and be able to do
  • Support for teachers who have little or no theological training, through straightforward essential background information for the teacher about Christian concepts,

    theology and practice;

  • A teaching and learning approach to enable pupils to move from an understanding of the biblical text and how to handle it, to an understanding of what this means for

    Christians within the Church and in Christian living, including opportunities for pupils to examine and evaluate connections between these ideas and the wider world

Understanding Christianity: Progression of Knowledge

Understanding Christianity: The Big Frieze

Understanding Christianity: More Information
